Michele Anderson is a Human Design Coach and Mind-Body Mentor for women who want to build a life that is in alignment with their definition of success. She is the creator of the Elevate Your Life program that helps women create success and impact by coaching them to their human design.

Michele started her entrepreneurial journey back in 2004 after graduating from the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and opening her own mind-body therapy practice as a licensed massage therapist and energy practitioner.

Over the last two decades, she has completed trainings in the modalities of body work, energy work, emotional release, and the Tolpakan Healing Method. She is a certified Core Synchronism Level 7 Practitioner, a Reiki Master/Teacher, a QSCA Life Coach, and a ALA Human Design Coach.  

Michele is committed to helping women create more freedom and impact by teaching them how to create their ideal life with ease, simplicity, and grace. You can learn more of her content through her podcast and blog.

Now that we’ve got the professional stuff out of the way…

How it all began

Hi, I’m Michele! I’ve always been a deep thinker, questioning how the world works… more specifically, asking questions like who am I and why am I here.  Because of that, I’ve dedicated my life to learning who I am, raising my vibrational frequency, and leaving a legacy of positive impact for my family and community.

My entrepreneurial journey was sparked by a desire to eliminate excruciating migraine headaches. No luck from allopathic medicine led me to chiropractic care and eventually energy work. The energy work called Core Synchronism made such a difference for me that I decided I wanted to open a therapy practice of my own. That led me to massage school in 2003.

By 2005, I was doing 100% energy work because it produced better results than massage therapy.

Soon I began to notice there was something bigger at play. I found that clients who only experienced temporary relief had mental and emotional aspects that were anchoring the symptom(s) in their physical body. This led me to dive deeper into emotional work and advanced levels of Core Synchronism. As I learned, I integrated.

In 2013, I added life coaching to my toolbox. I started coaching clients, teaching them how their thoughts and emotions affected their vibrational frequency and ultimately their experiences.

Then I went through a “dark night of the soul” experience with my own health. I had been burning the candle at both ends for too long and a couple of key people in my life passed away within months of each other. 

Here I was the practitioner who was all about living life in balance when my world flipped upside down. I thought I was just a little “wired and tired” and then my body forced me to stop working, literally. The diagnosis was adrenal exhaustion; and to be honest, I was pretty damn scared about my future.

During my recovery, I evaluated every aspect of my life and surrendered to the messages of my inner wisdom. In order to regain my health and thrive, I would have to honor my body’s needs AND go after my soul’s calling, which I had been ignoring. Let’s face it, we’ve all been taught to get busy “doing” life and we tend to forget how powerful our creative power is. I was being called to teach women how to tap into their inner wisdom where all the answers lie.

Along the way, I was introduced to Human Design and I simply couldn’t unsee how it connected all the dots and tied everything together. I knew immediately it had to become part of how I was going to bring this new iteration of my work into the world.

Long story short… I changed how I work with clients. I am creating a legacy of impact by teaching people just like you how to know yourself and raise your vibrational frequency so you can uplevel your experiences and create success on your own terms.

In Human Design, I’m a 4/6 Manifesting Generator. I’m an experimenter, a deep thinker, and building connections are all parts of who I am.

Knowing who you are is key to stepping into your creative power. It’s really time to set down the baggage (of who you are not) that you’ve been carrying around for way too long, so that you can say yes to bigger and better things that light you up.

I truly believe that when each of us becomes more of who we’re meant to be by embodying that best version of ourselves, not only do we create a better reality for ourselves but it ripples out, raising the vibration of our planet and making it a better place for all of us.

My goal is to assist you in becoming the best version of yourself (you know, the one you signed up to come here to be on the physical plane), so you can use your co-creative power to build a life you love on your own terms.

My superpowers are helping people break down their big vision into a simple, customized plan of action. I use my intuition and logic skills to help them synthesize who they are with the reality they desire to create. And I’m really good at seeing what’s missing and needed. Witnessing a client get an aha, realize they’ve always had the answers within, and seeing them succeed is my definition of business success. 

On a more personal note, I live in the beautiful rural community of Scranton, ND, with my husband and near our two grown kiddos and I’m part of a big, chaotic, crazy fun-loving family. I love to learn, listen to 80s rock and roll music, be on or near the water camping and boating, and spend time with family. I am currently diving deeply into learning more about Human Design, leadership, and batch cooking healthy meals. 

Ready for more?...

If you’re ready to unlock your full potential and create success on your own terms, start by getting your unique Human Design Blueprint today…